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Journals (†equal contribution, *corresponding author)

  1. Xiaohua Feng*, "Efficient 3D imaging with reconfigurable sensors", Nature Electronics, Accepted.

  2. Kai Cheng, Long Pan, Zhitong Lai, Min Jiang, Ya Xu, Ji Qi, and Xiaohua Feng*, "Blind aberration correction for light field photography," Optics Letters 50, 209-212 (2025). Link

  3. 潘龙,封晓华*, "基于光场层析的激光超光速运动三维成像," 中国激光, 50, 11, 1101014 (2023). Link

  4. Long Pan, Yuecheng Shen, Ji Qi, Junhui Shi, and Xiaohua Feng*, "Single photon single pixel imaging into thick scattering medium," Optics Express, 9, 31, 13943-13958 (2023). (To​p Downloads)Link

  5. Xiaohua Feng*, Yayao Ma, Liang Gao, "Compact light field photography towards versatile three-dimensional vision," Nature Communications, 13, 1333, 1-10 (2022). Reported by ScienceMag, Physorg, EurekAlert! and 科技日报 etc. Link

  6. Xiaohua Feng, Liang Gao, "Ultrafast light field tomography for snapshot transient and non-line-of-sight imaging," Nature Communications. 12, 2179, 1–9 (2021). (Editor’s Highlights, Featured by Frontiers in Photonics). Link

  7. Jongchan Park, Xiaohua Feng, Rongguang Liang, Liang Gao, "Snapshot multidimensional photography through active optical mapping," Nature Communications. 11, 5602 (2020). Link

  8. Tordera Jorge†, Xiaohua Feng†, Nyayapathi Nikhila, Xia Jun, Liang Gao, "Generalized Spatial Coherence Reconstruction for Photoacoustic Computed Tomography," Journal Biomedical Optics. 26, 046002 (2021).

  9. Yayao Ma, Xiaohua Feng, and Liang Gao, "Deep-learning-based image reconstruction for compressed ultrafast photography," Opt. Lett. 45, 4400-4403 (2020).

  10. Xiaohua Feng and Liang Gao, "Improving non-line-of-sight image reconstruction with weighting factors," Opt. Lett. 45, 3921-3924 (2020).

  11. Xiaohua Feng, Liang Gao, “Robust structured-illumination depth mapping via recursive decomposition of binary codes”, Optical Engineering, 58(6), 2020.

  12. S. Liu, Xiaohua Feng, et al., "Hand-held photoacoustic imager for theranostics in 3D," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2019.

  13. S. Liu, Xiaohua Feng, et al., “GPU-accelerated two dimensional synthetic aperture focusing for photoacoustic microscopy,” APL Photonics, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 026101, Feb. 2018.

  14. Xiaohua Feng, F. Gao, C. Y, Xu, G. M, Li and Y. J. Zheng, “Self temperature regulation of photothermal therapy by laser-shared photoacoustic feedback”, Optics letters, 40, 4492-4495 (2015).

  15. Xiaohua Feng, F. Gao, R. Kishor and Y. J. Zheng, “Coexisting and mixing phenomena of thermoacoustic and magnetoacoustic waves in water”, Scientific Reports, 5, 11489 (2015).

  16. Xiaohua Feng, F. Gao, and Y. J. Zheng, "Modulatable magnetically mediated thermoacoustic imaging with magnetic nanoparticles", Applied Physics Letters, 106, 153702 (2015).

  17. Xiaohua Feng, F. Gao, and Y. J. Zheng, "Photoacoustics Based Close-loop Control for Nanoparticle Hyperthermia", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62, 1728(2015).

  18. Xiaohua Feng, F. Gao, and Y. J. Zheng, “Thermally modulated photoacoustic imaging with super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles,” Optics Letters, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 3414-3417, Jun 15, 2014.

  19. Xiaohua Feng, F. Gao, and Y. J. Zheng, “Magnetically mediated thermoacoustic imaging toward deeper penetration,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 103, no. 8, Aug 19, 2013.


  1. Xiaohua Feng, Liang Gao, " Toward Non-Line-of-Sight Videography: a new frontier" Optics & Photonics News 32(11), 25 (2021) (Cover article).


  1. Xiaohua Feng, Liang Gao, "Ultrafast contour imaging for time-domain diffuse optical tomography", High-Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy V 2020, SPIE Photonic West, Paper 11250-4, San Francisco, California, United States.

  2. Xiaohua Feng, Fei Gao, Yuanjin Zheng, "A self-monitored theranostic platform based on nanoparticle hyperthermia therapy and alternating magnetic field induced thermoacoustic imaging",SPIE Photonic West 2015, San Francisco, California, United States.

  3. Xiaohua Feng, Fei Gao, Yuanjin Zheng, "Magnetically mediated thermo-acoustic imaging", SPIE Photonic West 2014, San Francisco, California, United States.

  4. Xiaohua Feng, Fei Gao, Yuanjin Zheng, "Scalable magnetically mediated thermoacoustic imaging through coil tailoring", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications, London, 2014.

  5. Xiaohua Feng, Fei Gao, Yuanjin Zheng, "Magnetically mediated thermoacoustic imaging and technical considerations on its coil design", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications, Singapore, 2013.



  2. Liang Gao, X. Feng, ULTRAFAST LIGHT FIELD TOMOGRAPHY – (US Provisional Patent. UC-2020-801-1-LA-PRV)

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